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Week 12 - AI Converts Silent Speech into Written Words, Grimes Futuristic AI Royalties, and ChatGPT 5 Delayed?

June 12, 20232 min read

Welcome to another exciting edition of Trendings.AI!

We're exploring new AI breakthroughs impacting tech, including AI Drones Go Rogue, ChatGPT Profitability Problem, and AI Replaced American 4000 Jobs in May...

Check out this week's top AI stories and tools, and be sure to follow us on Instagram

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📰 Top A.I. News Stories of the Week

1. Chip Shortage Hinders Progress of ChatGPT, Says OpenAI's Sam Altman

In a deleted blog post referring to a conference, OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman has revealed that the ongoing chip shortage is causing significant delays in the development plans for ChatGPT.

The scarcity of these vital components is stalling progress, highlighting the far-reaching impact of the current crisis in the semiconductor industry. Altman’s comments underscore the challenges many tech firms are facing amidst this global issue. (NY Post)

2. Innovative AI Decoder Converts Thoughts into Text, Reveals Neuroscience Study

A new study in neuroscience reveals an AI decoder capable of transforming thoughts into text. This ground-breaking technology is designed to interpret neural signals, translating them into words and sentences, which can potentially provide a revolutionary form of communication for individuals with speech impairments. (Neuroscience News)

3. Grimes Empowers Artists with AI Voice, Demands Royalties

Artist Grimes is helping fellow artists distribute their songs using her AI voice, although she requires royalties in return. This innovative method involves leveraging artificial intelligence to mimic Grimes' voice for use in other musicians' work.

The Forbes piece provides an in-depth look at how the system functions, offering a glimpse into the potential future of music distribution. (Forbes)

🛠 Top A.I. Tools of the Week

Here are the top 3 newest and most popular AI tools from last week:

1. - Sembly transcribes, takes meeting notes, and generates insights for your professional meetings.

2. - Murf is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help you improve your grammar, style, and clarity. It can also help you find the right words and phrases to express your ideas.

3. Flick.Social - Handle copywriting, scheduling, hashtags, and analytics seamlessly with Flick, the AI-powered social marketing platform.

🎨 A.I. Art of the Week

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🦾 Other A.I. Content to Check Out

🤖 That's it for this week!

Stay tuned for more exciting AI news and tools coming your way.


Justin Kennedy

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